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Krister's Blog
krister at hallergard dot com

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Mount Linux in Windows with Ext2Fsd

When dual-booting or multi-booting Windows and Linux you are likely to want to access Windows in Linux and vice versa. Accessing Windows in Linux is easy - see the bottom right picture! But accessing Linux in Windows requires 3rd party drivers. I use Ext2Fsd.exe
. View Video 4½ min

When installing I choose the options to automatically start Ext2Fsd when booting, and to enable forced writing support on Ext3 partitions (all my Linux partitions have Ext3 file system).

The Ext2 Volume Manager allows you to set or change the drive letters, and you can also use it to assign drive letters to optical drives, USB sticks and other removable drives. I find this tool easier to use than Disk Management under Computer Management in Windows 7.

Ext2fsd works equally well with ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems.

Ext2 Volume Mgr
Ext2 Volume Mgr
Click for mount settings!

Mounting R:/etc/fstab
Mounting R:/etc/fstab
Click for bigger picture!
The screenshot to the left shows these Linux partitions:
  • P: sda1 Linux SuSE
  • Q: sda2 Linux Fedora
  • R: sda3 Linux Kubuntu
  • S: sdb3 Linux Mint (out of view)
  • T: sdb4 Linux Ubuntu (out of view

If Windows File Mgr or Windows Explorer is behaving erratically, your ext2/3/4 partition is probably dirty - fix it with "e2fsck -fv /dev/sdxy", further information vlog and blog.